Climate Data
The following directories can be found in /data/marble/
- cmip3
- cmip5
- cmip5_25x25
The homepage of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP).
Here you find links to CMIP Phase 3 (CMIP3) and CMIP Phase 5 (CMIP5).
Recommended is the Guide to CMIP5 where you find also links to other MIPs like GeoMIP.
Structure of the CMIP-directories:
- cmip3: /data/marble/cmip3/IPCC_AR4/list (list with (soon) available data)
- cmip5: /data/marble/cmip5/experiment/temporal-resolution/variable/model/realisation/*.nc
- cmip5_25x25: same like cmip5; 25×25 indicates the regular horizontal grid of 2.5×2.5 deg
- GeoMIP: /data/marble/GeoMIP/experiment/temporal-resolution/mon/variable/model/realisation/*.nc variable/model/realisation/*.nc
As temporal resolution we have at our disposal: monthly data from the Atmosphere, Ocean and Land (Amon, Omon and Lmon) and fixed data (fx) containing e.g. area (areacello) and volume (volcello) information about the model.
Two useful pdf-files about the model experiments and variables: experiment controlled vocabulary and standard_output. The latter is quite comprehensive and is reduced to our available variables (based on the pre-industrial control experiment (piControl)): standard_output_red (this list also holds for our GeoMIP data).
CMIP5-experiments: piControl, rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85, historical, historicalExt, historicalGHG, historicalMisc, historicalNat, 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, esmFdbk1, esmFixClim2, esmHistorical, esmrcp85, amip
GeoMIP-experiments: piControl, rcp45, 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, db, G1, G1oceanAlbedo, G2, G3, G3S, G4, G4cdnc, G5
(you always can check the availability of data with e.g. ‘ls /data/marble/cmip5/* > out.dat’)
Some references and examples ‘how to process netcdf-data’ are summarized in data_on_marble.
Climate Indices: monthly atmospheric and ocean time series (like PDO, Nino3, NAO, AMO)
Post-processed CMIP5-data (like profiles of potential temperature, steric (thermosteric and halosteric) sea level) you find in /home/UNIMELB/kdommenget/output_expT.
Some observational data (like sea level time series, ARGO-float profiles and satellite altimeter data) you find in /home/UNIMELB/kdommenget/obs_data.
‘Interactive climate change’ from the University of Chicago.