X2Go is a remote desktop tool, allowing you to access a graphical desktop of marble. To use X2go, first download the X2Go client for your operating system from here.
Once installed, open the X2Go client and create a new session (any name of your choice). For access from Melbourne Uni (LAN), set the follow parameter in the window:
- host: marble.earthsci.unimelb.edu.au
- login: your marble (Melbourne Uni) username. For students your username is STUDENT+username
- SSH port: 22
- Session type: GNOME
- Compression : 16m-png (in the connection tab)
Then click OK and start the X2Go session (by starting to type the Session Name after the “Session:” type on your screen or clicking the session on the right hand side). For access from the wireless network (or home) see here.
Note: When doing this for the first time, there could be a 10 minutes (!) waiting time before the X2Go session establishes. The connection should finally work and then be faster the next times you log on.